Thursday, June 11, 2009

To Windy for Air Yeezy

Kanye West the million dollar man might be going to jail on charges of battery and grand theft auto. After a scuffle with the paparazzi last year in the L.A.X. . Kanye West were and his manager were traveling on business where the scuffle occurred. Kany West must be bugging ! Kanye West slammed the camera man's camera on the floor breaking it into pieces. For that Kanye deserves some jail time, a couple of fines, or an ass whooping. Kanye must be kidding himself or drinking too much of that Windy City water. Kanye West should have known he was going to get in trouble for this stunt. I guess he thinks since he beat 50 cent in record sells, he can do things his way, slow your role Yeezy this isn't Burger King.

Kanye West needs to get his priorities together. Would you believe he had the nerve to plea not guilty?

Kanye is a real head piece. West also known by his stage name

"The Louie Vuitton Don,"

has many projects coming soon, which can be good for his image. Kanye West should just chill out and stay out the media for a little media. so he wont have to worry about serving jail time, which he deserves. At least he isn't packing,

"machine guns"

The Parent TRAPED

Mike Lohan was recently arrested for threatening to kill his fiance, Erin Muller. It is not yet said why. Mike Lohan's charge of death threat was lessened to misdemeanor aggravated assault if he complies with his "probation." The judge of Lohan's case told him to stay out of trouble until June 3, 2010 and his charge will be lessened. Everyone knows Mike can not do this. Mike is going to do good then get caught up in something stupid like the famous D.U.I . Lohan is known for messing up. And the trait has been passed down to his daughter Lindsay Lohan who is also in trouble with the law.

Lohan denies ever threatening his fiance Erin Muller. Lohan swears it was a misunderstanding. Lohan also says the,

"media and press twisted up his story." Which doesn't really sound right. Why would they have to lie on him? He isn't important.

Lohan is too old for this, at 49. But Erin Muller isn't off the hook. she shouldn't be snitching. Lohan is freaking rich !! Why does he have to mess up? Lohan should be somewhere in Miami relaxing. So the media can give Lohan a break, he should go on vacation, even though he doesn't even have a real job.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Fossil "fueled"

Gary Collins, the award winning actor hast recently started his house arrest sentence of 120 days. Gary was arrested for the usual in the celebrity World, D.U.I . Guess what he was driving ? Gary Collins must have the rarest bust in the Celeb World for D.U.I . Collins was arrested driving a "home on wheels," that's right a motor home. Collins must be on something. Who the heck drives a motor home ? while drunk. I know he has a couple of sport vehicles. Collins was arrested drunk at three times the legal liquor limit.

Collins shouldn't be doing this, he is way too old. Collins who is now 71 should not be drinking. Collins probably Missplaced his Viagra. Collins has been acting for most of his life. Collins has been in, "Dirty Sexy Money," "Baywatch Nights," and "The Pigeon That Took Rome," which came out in 1962.

Collins should learn from his mistake and think of others way to have fun, (when you misplaced your "skittles"). Collins is rich and should just be kicking back and relaxing.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

LLoyd Klein the famous designer, has a lawsuit against him for beating up his former friend David Pearce. Lloyd didn't just beat him up, he did it naked! Like come on, you can't be serious. David Pearce could at least got a couple of hits in. Who gets beaten up by a drunken naked man. The cops say David went into his former friend's home, to get back his keys. When drunken Klein awakens and beats the crap out of him. While he denys ever having the keys.

The lawsuit filed against Klein claims Pearce suffered hand fractures, and required surgery. If I was Pearce, I would also be traumatized. [[Drunken Klein privates]] that doesn't sound like a good sight. Klein claims that Pearce broke into his home using a ladder out of his garage to get into his bedroom, where him and Pearce had the brawl.

Klein needs to just stay sober, so he can get rid of this whole scandal. Klein has designed outfits for, Paula Abdul and Gwen Stefani. He has talent, why does he have to get drunk ? and attack. Klein needs to just keep going with designing.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blue Man got caught with his mouth open

Aw Man. !! How the heck do you get caught giving another man oral in a park? Darren Stephens who is an alleged member of the "Blue Man group" was arrested for giving another male oral. The oral part isn't even the weird part, the alleged male receiver was said to be a High school assisant principal, from a school nearby.

Darren got caught at 5:45 pm, which means the Sun was still out. What a dunce ? They should of just went to the Principal's school. But no they wanna get down and dirty in a park, I bet a kid saw them. Now kids are going to get ideas. I wonder what his charges are going to be? Maybe indecent exposure. The Blue man should get extra days for being in a public park. I know he is going to have fines because the park is public.

His Blue group brothers better go on tour, so they can leave him alone. Everyone in the celebrity world, is going to have fun with this one. Maybe he should have landed on Eminem's face instead of Borat.

Kenyan Boss

President Obama's brother arrested on possession of weed. Like really? The President of the Greatest Country in the World is your Brother. Come on he can't be serious. George Obama was arrested for possession of marijuana in his homeland of Nairobi, Kenya. George must be slow or something if my brother was even Governor I would live off him. Now he is in a Kenya jail, Don't no one wanna go to jail in Kenya. George who was not living good at all, should just call his brother. George even resisted arrest that is just going to make it worse.

George Obama is the youngest out of Obama's father's kids, he better go with a young and dumb story. George's father died when he was only a couple of months.

In jail, George denies the crime.

George was angry because, an Italian reporter wrote a story about he was,

"earning less than a dollar a day."

When he says he has always been living good, and is living good now.

This can't be true, he lives in a Shack !! with his family

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sarah the New Micheal

Charlie from "2 and a half men" real life ex wife Sara Trigger was arrested for child abuse. Sarah is crazy, why the heck are you placingcords around little kids neck. That is way worse than just beating your kids. Sarah must have been beaten as she was growing up or is in an abusive relationship. That's probably how people are raised in not that great Britain. Trigger was arrested on felony neglect charges. Which by far is worse than cruelty to animals because the government starts investigating.

Sarah Trigger better just pay her Lil 100,000 dollar bail, so she can go home and see her child for what could be the last time. The department of children and family said

"the boy is in a safe place"

which could mean any where. Who knows maybe he's in the Netherlands, with another Wacko. Sarah Trigger better just go back to C.S.I and make some money, so this whole scandal can be over with.