Shia Labeouf was arrested for DUI on Sunday. Here we go again with the drunk celebs. Shia Labeof should be doing these type of things though, since he still young. Shia can be the male version of Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton. Shia has everything going good for him, another Transformer movie coming soon, which is sure going to be a hit. Shia should kick back and relax, and STOP GETTING DRUNK !! or at least stop getting arrested.
Shia Labeouf really messed up though because, he had an accident and him and the other driver are injured. What can we say ?? But
"it's his fault" and "dummy"
Shia Labeouf is now going on trial. He better get a great lawyer, maybe Paris's or Lindsay's. Shia should keep his head up, if he can because he is only going to get a couple of months. The worse thing that can happen is he'll be sued, fined, and have to serve jail time.
Shia's trial should start in the summer when his movie comes out.
It's going to be funny for him people going to ask "shia can I go to the premiere with you ?" Shia's going to reply with "I can't even go i have court"